Selamat Datang di Blog kami, kali ini kelompok kami
membahas tentang konstitusi!
Welcome in our Blog, this time our group discuss about constitution!
Welcome in our Blog, this time our group discuss about constitution!
Kami akan membahas tentang konstitusi yang ada di negara kami, Indonesia.
Diposkan oleh OneforAll di 15:26 0 komentar
Diposkan oleh OneforAll di 16:57 0 komentar
Label: gambar
Hello, Welcome to our blog! Our names are Anandra Sania, Deska Hanandira, Revina Awalia Putri, Rima Januaristi, and Widyandita Ghiamadhura. We're students from 8E in Nineteen JHS Jakarta, Indonesia. Anandra Sania called Sania(the funniest one), Deska Hanandira called Deska(the craziest one), Revina Awalia Putri called Vina(the most forgetful one), Rima Januaristi called Rima(the cutest one), and Widyandita Ghiamadhura called Ghia(the most creative one). We just hope you all enjoy guys!